Trapped on a distant planet, hiding from the toxic rays of a foreign sun, the two remaining survivors of the Starship Citrinitas must discover a new source of power to survive.

Gather resources and fight enemies, combining the elements you discover to unlock incredible new powers. Use sci-fi alchemy to stand safe in the sun and eventually save your friend. 

This is our first game together as a studio; we hope you enjoy! 

IMPORTANT: There is currently no way to save the game.

ALSO IMPORTANT: The version that plays here is the post-jam version with bug fixes. If for some reason you want to play the jam release, the files are still here. 

Submission to Pirate Software - Game Jam 15


Programming and writing by Salch

Art by MasterDuelist

Music and SFX by CatUsingaComputer

Additional SFX from


When in the base, you can use 'e' to interact with the machines, the Engineer, and other items in there. Outside, you can click  to shoot a laser to hit enemies or press 'e' to swing a melee attack to hit enemies or destroy items. 

You need to gather resources to fix the machines so that you can make new power cells. 

To make a power cell, you need to add a minimum of one empty power cell and one space oil. after that, you can add other parts to give the cell abilities. Some of these abilities will also increase radiation, which can hurt you when you are outside. You need to click the craft button to finish the power cell and add it to your inventory. 

To equip a power cell, you will need to select it and add it to your suit in your inventory. You can see that it happens when the equipped abilities, power, and radiation changes to reflect the new cell. 

This is probably the last update we will have on here, thanks to everyone for playing! Look for our game on Steam eventually!

If you find any bugs or have any other comments, let us know! We would love to get some feedback for the future. We plan to polish this further and add more features to eventually publish it on Steam, so any insight would be invaluable. 

Release date 47 days ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Aliens, Exploration, Godot, Pixel Art, Roguelite, Sci-fi, Short, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Jam Submission 29 MB


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huge scope for a jam. wow!


This is a pretty big game for a jam! I really liked the tone that was set by the opening sequence. I won't get too deep into how grindy it is as I'm sure you're already aware. A few points:

- Monsters are quite prevalent and they do very little damage. You also can't really shoot them much without running out of energy. As a result, the optimal play becomes to basically try and dodge and tank monsters while grinding as much material as possible.
- I reached the second area before repairing most of the stuff in the base. Not sure if that's intended but I felt like I got there a bit out of sequence.
- It can be a bit finicky sometimes whether I use my pickaxe or shoot. Binding them to separate buttons may work better.
- Radiation makes it basically pointless to upgrade battery cells before you get to the second area.
- The game is made more repetitive by the map being static. If the map changed every time you went out it might become more interesting.

All in all a solid framework, but needs work to become as fun as it has the potential to be. Good job!


Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to implement procedural generation but ran out of time to figure it out, unfortunately. That'll be in the eventual release on Steam!

I love the idea of this game! I like the retro graphics, I seem to be stuck at the beginning though, the close button doesn't work on the 2 broken machine windows that I tried, and clicking resources during combat causes me to shoot my blaster. I'd like to see more though! Great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I think the issues you had came from the website buttons to add the game to your collection and stuff; our artist had the same struggle until they went fullscreen. 

Another bug, if you convert enemy parts into resources for upgrades in the last machine, pressing add twice deletes all enemy parts, leaving you with nothing.

This bug made me loose 86 enemy parts :(

My Experience playing this game:
I started and read a lot of dialog. This pilot really likes to talk a lot. I head out, gather some resources, shoot at enemies and get teleported back, wondering why. Reading the death message, I realize that shooting uses up A LOT OF ENERGY.

A bit later on, I have already gathered some resources, my strategy has shifted from using the gun sometimes to basically relying on using the pickaxe to fight because it's just not worth it. Having repaired the first machine, I'm disappointed because now I just have one more resource which doesn't do anything, OIL.

Going out there a few more times now with the strategy, fell trees, gather stones, die, repeat. Because that seems to be the fastest way to GRIND your way through progression.

Pickaxe hit box is really weird, attacks going mostly above the player and shooting or melee pickaxe being decided by whether the cursor is near or far from the cursor made me shoot multiple times when I didn't want to.

Knowing whether an enemy was hit or not is also relatively unclear, which could have been easily avoided by making them do something when hit (like flashing red).

I finally ended up getting the upgrade station and the thing that turns enemy parts to resources, so I thought, finally some upgrades ...
Turns out getting any upgrades with this would give you radiation killing you over time which made them completely useless.

So I went with no upgrades, walked through the entire map once more. Through the opening on the right, and found some flower. (it can prevent radiation)
But, going to the right actually leads to a new area where you also get radiation, so I only got two flowers before dying again.

Having used up all spiders, which are the only upgrade that would make the gun actually usable meant, all other upgrades didn't really help much at this point.

I made a new Energy cell with the two flowers as the only upgrade and walked right until I got to the second "level" where I was now protected from radiation. I collected more flowers and saw another opening to the right, walked through that and reached the ending. (also in this second level the camera is way too far left from the player, you can barely see anything)

I only played through this game to be able to give an honest review. I didn't really enjoy this game at this point. Please, when adding a mechanic or requirement to the game (like things you need to repair the machines) consider the following:

Is it fun?

I still believe this game could be fun, but it does need a lot of rebalancing to do so. Currently, it just feels like an overly long fetch quest that discourages from using any of the games' mechanics by punishing you for doing so.

The art style and music were fine. The UI looked good.

Please make it so you can hold down one mouse button to use the pickaxe (not requiring to click every time) and use the other mouse button for the gun.

It kind of made me a bit sad, seeing what could be a good game have so many aspects that feel like they are only there to make it longer. I'd much rather play a shorter version of this that encourages getting upgrades and has less grind.
(seriously, why do you need 80 rocks and 80 wood to repair those machines, with the mining speed you have this just takes soooooo looooong)

So either this is just not the game for me, or you need to look into what makes a game fun. I'd suggest looking at Jonas Tyrollers video titled "Can We Make This Button Fun To Press?".

You certainly are capable of making a good and fun game, but this wasn't quite it yet.

Thanks for your comment! You bring up a lot of valid points; rebalancing is definitely required for basically everything. 

I want to lower the radiation for each component and make all the repair components cheaper as soon as possible. You're right that many of those costs were made to lengthen the runtime, but I think it is way too much right now. 

You actually found two bugs. The spiders are supposed to spawn in the base each time you enter after a certain point, and it looks like they only do it once. That definitely makes the game way worse and infinitely harder; I'm very sorry about that!

The camera in the second area, player hitbox, attack, melee, and enemy animations are also on my fix list. Time just really got away from me in this jam. The whole second map got deleted on the last day, and I ended up pulling an all-nighter to get it in its current state.

Thanks so much for playing and for finishing the game! I really appreciate your feedback and will work towards improving this once voting ends! 

I didn't finish mainly due to not having time to finish the grind, but a good game. The gun does sometimes fire when I'm trying to gather a resource which was a bit frustrating, but overall a good game. Well done and good luck on the Jam

(1 edit)

Thanks, appreciate you checking it out!!